Inspired by the tale of the Princess and the Pea, well-known children’s author Vivian French tells the story of Princess Sue who seeks a prince using a royal parsnip test!
Inspired by the tale of the Princess and the Pea, well-known children’s author Vivian French tells the story of Princess Sue who seeks a prince using a royal parsnip test!
Blue/Band 4 books offer longer, repeated patterns with sequential events and integrated literary and natural language.
Children can recap the stages that Sue had to go through to find her prince using the story map on pages 14–15.
You can buy this book from your usual bookseller, or borrow it from a library. If you’d like to buy a signed copy, you can do so through Viv’s local bookshop – The Edinburgh Bookshop. You can email them here.
Publisher: Collins Educational (2 September 2013)
ISBN-10: 0007512848
ISBN-13: 978-0007512843