Vivian’s agents are Lindsey Fraser and Kathryn Ross.


Vivian French

The Covers of My Book Are Too Far Apart

Written by: Vivian French

Illustrated by: Nigel Baines

“I’m too old for bedtime stories!”

“That’s a GIRLS’ book!”

“Reading’s rubbish!”

Find answers to these and many more reading grumbles in this joyful celebration of all that’s brilliant about books and reading. For book lovers, book haters and everyone in between!

Information for Grown-Ups: This picture book has a dyslexia-friendly layout, typeface and paperstock to help adults with dyslexia enjoy it with their children too.

You can buy this book from your usual bookseller, or borrow it from a library. If you’d like to buy a signed copy, you can do so through Viv’s local bookshop – The Edinburgh Bookshop. You can email them here.


Published by: Barringtone Stoke (15 March 2017)
ISBN: 978-1-78112-602-8